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br Es maestro en Derecho Internacional
Es maestro en Derecho Internacional por Georgetown University (LL.M.) y candidato signaling maestro en Derecho Procesal Constitucional por la Universidad Panamericana (up). Asimismo, cuenta con una licenciatura en Derecho y otra en Relaciones Internacionales ambas por el Instituto Tecnológico Autó
La Tabla muestra los resultados de
La Tabla 1 muestra los resultados de aplicar este sencillo modelo HZ-1157 los dos periodos de expansión más recientes y largos de la economía mexicana: entre 1960 y 1981 y entre 2008 y 2015. Lo primero que llama la atención es la aguda disminución de la tasa promedio anual de expansión del pib, de 6
chemicals Then st century socialism must be
Then, 21st century socialism must be based on a communal system of production and consumption. In the Venezuelan case, both chemicals represented in the Enterprises of Social Production (eps) and the Commune Councils. Lebowitz also outlines some theoretical ideas about how socialism can be establish
As shown in Chart most studies concerning international and
As shown in Chart 1, most studies concerning international and domestic BTL-104 draining have been carried out by assessing the brain-drain rate in the aggregate, mainly by including locational features in the origin and destination places. Brazilian studies follow the international literature both
br Introduction This article deals with the relation between
Introduction This article deals with the relation between innovation and employment at the firm level. Our focus is on formalized and structured innovation, i.e. new products and/or processes generated by an initial R&D expenditure. As explained by Dosi (1988) and Pavitt (1984), innovation strate
Perhaps the major analytical contribution of this paper is
Perhaps the major analytical contribution of this paper is the identification of the dimensions along which preferences align in the Brazilian Supreme Court. For the US it is well established that preferences in the Supreme Court, as in Congress, can be well portrayed as aligning along a single cons
Similarly to Table the results from Table showed
Similarly to Table 4, the results from Table 5 showed a positive relation between the distribution of the exportation (EXP) and the distribution of the AD cases initiated by Turkey, European Union, South Korea, India and United States. Therefore, these economies would be favoring the most competitiv
There remains controversy however as to
There remains controversy, however, as to the precise mechanism of genesis of such phenotypes (Cieslewicz et al., 1999). One of the major stumbling blocks here is lack of data concerning the kinetics of lung granulocyte immigration and emigration in asthma. Studies addressing the differential migrat
To investigate this potentially increased
To investigate this potentially increased proportion of patients with rapid progression to AIDS over the last decade in Cuba, we set up an exploratory study evaluating the association of rapid progression with epidemiological, clinical, viral and immunological parameters, comparing three groups of p
Glial cells are likely implicated in the physiopathology
Glial cells are likely implicated in the physiopathology of depression. Post-mortem studies have shown a decreased density of glial cells in the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus of depressed patients (Cotter et al., 2001; Ongur et al., 1998). Accordingly, preclinical studies demonstrated that a
Exploring the human host response to TB provides opportunity
Exploring the human host response to TB provides opportunity for the discovery of biomarkers, and the development of additional diagnostics that do not require samples from the site of disease and that are not based on the detection of Mtb. Mass spectrometry (MS) allows rapid quantitative assessment
Previous studies of functional connectivity in autism have
Previous studies of functional connectivity in autism have examined either task-related or resting-state connectivity, with mixed findings of over- and under-compared with neurotypical populations (see for reviews). Very few have examined differential brain connectivity as a function of brain state,
In summary Scholz et al have tackled a critical
In summary, Scholz et al. have tackled a critical issue in biomedicine relating to human CD4 and CD8 T memory stem cell generation and function. Although the molecular mechanism(s) of T cell generation remain nebulous vis-à-vis the relative role of WNT/β-catenin or mTOR modulation, the current repor
From studies with mouse models Huber Lang et al Hoth
From studies with mouse models (Huber-Lang et al., 2006; Hoth et al., 2014; Khan et al., 2013; Auger et al., 2012; Zecher et al., 2014; Borkowska et al., 2014), several groups have concluded that thrombin is the major coagulation enzyme that generates C5a under pathologic conditions. This role for t
A cursory examination of its
A cursory examination of its assumptions raises some immediate questions. Pregnant women in the third trimester are not very comparable to “adults” in the physiology of resuscitation: their dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor is higher and chest compressions are less effective. Hence, the four-minute
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